Kodiak Cakes Sampling Case Study
We partnered with Kodiak in June, July and August 2022 for a 3 wave campaign, sampling 3 amazing products across Cincinnati, Ohio, Salt Lake City and Utah. Across the 3 waves, Kodiak tasked us with targeting offices with young mothers/ decision makers in families across various industries and for the campaign to generate a 15% consumer response.
Oatmeal Cups
Wave 1 was to distribute 9,444 Oatmeal Cups and vouchers with the objective to raise awareness of the Kodiak brand and generate sales uplift. Our strategy for this product was to impact the target customer at the most convenient time, being breakfast and lunch. This was a desk drop campaign, so dropping the product on desks first thing in the morning or in the afternoon was a strategy to influence campaign participants to try the product for breakfast or as an afternoon snack. The campaign over achieved from the clients 15% engagement target, with 16.4% of participants completing the post-campaign questionnaire. Out of the 16.4% of consumers that provided their feedback, 92% of them said they would purchase this product. The feedback provided by the clients bullseye customer generated in-depth insight into this specific product, as well as different variants the target audience would like to see. These comprehensive insights into bullseye customers is why product sampling is such an effective strategy for existing product insight, in addition to providing brands with the ammunition to be successful with new product launches.
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Granola Bars
Wave 2 was to distribute 10,080 Granola Bars and vouchers to family decision makers in the targeted cities. We had 28 companies participate in this wave of the campaign, with 84% of campaign participants highlighting their purchase intent for Kodiak Granola Bars. This specific wave of the campaign generated some very insightful feedback on the attitude of their bullseye customer towards the brand. Our 360 campaigns allow brands to understand the psychographics of their target audience on all aspects of their business, not just product feedback. We had a huge amount of feedback praising Kodiak for their positive commitment to wildlife conservation, allowing Kodiak to understand the core values of their customers and what makes them loyal to the brand.
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Bear Bites
Wave 3 in August, the final wave of this campaign, was to distribute 9,992 Bear Bites and leaflets. This wave generated a 19% consumer engagement rate, with 84% highlighting their positive intent to purchase. This wave highlighted the positive impact this campaign has had on campaign participants who had not heard of the brand before or tried any of their products. There were many comments highlighting how happy the consumer was to be involved in a campaign that has introduced them to a new brand. An example of this would be this quote from a participant in Ohio – “Loving the samples, it’s making me want to go and buy everything you make! Can’t believe i had never heard of this brand before this campaign”. Comments like these highlight the importance of product sampling campaigns and the positive impact it can have.
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